Tui na in Warrington
Juniper Clinic provides fertility treatment in Warrington to help your journey to motherhood..

Our Tui Na Treatments
Tui na methods include the use of hand techniques to massage the soft tissues of the body, the use of acupressure techniques to directly affect the flow of Qi, and the manipulation techniques to realign the musculoskeletal and ligaments.
Tui na techniques can relieve tension and restore flexibility in muscles and joints. They help reduce pain, improve range of motion, and correct postural imbalances. Tui na is also beneficial for women’s health conditions such as endometriosis and painful period cramps.

What is Tui Na?
Tui na, also known as Chinese Massage Therapy, has been practised in China for over 2,000 years. It is based on traditional Chinese medical theory, which emphasises the importance of a smooth flow of Qi through the body’s meridians for good health. Tuina uses massage and manipulation techniques to establish a harmonious flow of Qi throughout the body’s energy channels, thereby allowing the body to naturally heal itself.
Tuina methods involve using hand techniques to massage the body’s soft tissues, applying acupressure techniques to directly influence the Qi flow, and employing manipulation techniques to realign the musculoskeletal system and ligaments.
What can Tui Na help with?
Assisting in the adjustment to the various changes in your body and the demands of your new life.
During Pregnancy Tui na provides relief from symptoms such as lower back pain, calf cramps, sciatic pain, headaches, and swollen legs, while also improving circulation and promoting relaxation.
Postpartum Tui na offers relief from symptoms such as lower back pain, calf cramps, sciatic pain, headaches, depression, stress, constipation, indigestion, and bloating.

Book a Tui na Appointment at our Warrington Clinic Now